Bad habits that destroy your Mental health

All of us can have one or more bad habits. That is normal human form. Some of these bad habits do not harm us much,
but the majority of those bad habits can become severe and affect our physical health as well as our mental health.

That’s why it is essential to pay attention to what our bad habits are and control them before we get into such a situation.So, as a help to you, smart lady,
we are preparing today to tell you what bad habits are harmful to our physical health and important mental health.

See if you have these habits too?

Have you ever compared yourself to someone else?You must have already experienced that when your attention is focused on any of these things like someone else’s image, lifestyle, educational level, family life, fashion, instead of appreciating those things, you naturally try to compare them all with yourself.

It can be recognized that there are 02 types of comparisons.

The first type is comparing ourselves with someone who is ahead of us in certain factors. We often get only regret or sadness and disappointment from this comparison.

The second type is comparing ourselves with someone who is behind us in certain factors. You can think that we get some happiness from this comparison.

But, what you don’t know is that you don’t know the inside of another person’s life that is covered by the surface characteristics.

So what do you really make of this comparison?

All you do is compare what you don’t know, the surface or outward appearance of someone else’s life, with the interior of your own life, which you do know, and get sadness, regret, and disappointment.

You should remember that it is better to understand our talents and improve them day by day than to focus on the talents and skills that others have that we do not have and to regret that we do not have them.

It is an extremely valuable thing to compare who you are today with who you were a year or two ago, to be proud of your achievements, to make yourself happy and to build yourself day by day to a state where you can be proud of yourself.


You have heard a story that it is human nature to make mistakes.
You must remember that there may be some omissions on your part. Everything you do doesn’t have to be unnecessarily perfect. You should be able to complete them as well as you can and be happy with it.You don’t have to go through unnecessary stress to please other people.You make decisions for yourself like setting goals that you can achieve, not thinking about your mistakes/failures continuously and trying not to repeat them, using your mistakes as a foundation for your development, rejecting what you can’t do,and staying away from places that cause mental distress. Must be taken.


You may have noticed that many people make it a habit to procrastinate and avoid their duties and responsibilities. Maybe you are too. If you are like that, we think you have experience about the final result.
We must mention that building up unnecessary stress without the ability, support or time to complete all the work is very detrimental to your mental health.Therefore, it is very important not to miss any small task you have to do on a daily basis.

Only bad things For mental health
You must have heard a saying that it is useless to think about the past unnecessarily because you cannot change the past, it is useless to think about the future unnecessarily because you cannot decide the future, that is why it is better to spend this moment happily and lightly and productively.You have to remember that thinking only about the bad things that happened in the past or that can happen in the future can make you a negative person without even realizing it.Therefore, whenever possible, you must try to live a beautiful positive life with a flower, a butterfly, the wind enjoying all these things, a life spent in light laughter, a little time reserved for you, a celebration of your victories,and a quick rise after your defeats.

Don’t have time for yourself?

If you are a person who spends your life in the middle of the problems of office, friends, relatives and friends, if you are tired because of them, if you forgot to do your happiness or even a little thing for yourself, we would like to invite you to get rid of it as soon as possible.
It will affect you without knowing it.So, don’t forget to set aside at least 15 minutes a day for something you like.

Getting a good night’s sleep

Sleep is very important.If for any reason you have sacrificed the time you should sleep for something else, you should correct it immediately.
Sleep is very important for the health of your whole body. Your body, which works hard all day, gets rest only when you sleep. Therefore, it is essential to get the necessary sleep to start the next day refreshed and to get rid of the mental and physical stress that may occur la

Don’t you go there?

If you are also addicted to your mobile phone and stop all external connections, it should be noted that this is a bad habit that needs to be corrected as soon as possible.
Man is a social animal. If you think that it is better to stay away from society as much as possible, being alone is not always correct because there are many different people in society. The experience we gain by associating with them is very important.
It is very important for a good mental health not to limit social connections to social media, to blend in with the environment and engage in physical activities such as exercise.So, any of us can have these bad habits. It may happen one day.You know that even though physical ailments are visible, mental instability is not immediately recognizable.Therefore, we must be aware of them and work to avoid them.So keep your mind healthy. We would like to kindly remind you to avoid these habits as much as possible.

“No brain?”

When you see what some people do, you feel like asking that, don’t you? Sometimes parents at home must have asked you this question at least once when you were a child. Can you imagine the amount of work that has been done? But, here we really have a brain. Even so, if you are someone who works like this, we also have to ask, “don’t you have brains?” The brain is the central processing unit of the human body, or the processor. Every phone, tab, computer that we work with in our daily life has a processor. But the brain is the one that does a hundred thousand times more work than that. The human brain is one of the greatest creations in the world so far. The reason for that is that everything that did not appear in this world was arranged first, and that arrangement was created by someone’s brain. No matter how powerful the brain is as a single organ, its functioning requires the contribution of many other organs of the body. Even if it’s a computer, if you want to get the most out of the processor, you need a good hard, ram, cooling system. Similarly, the healthy existence of other organs of our body is very important for the brain to function well. Therefore, in order to get maximum work from the brain, we need to take good care of our physical health. Because the damage done to the brain over time due to small mistakes that we do not even think about is huge. Today, in this article, we will inform you about 8 bad habits that you do without knowing it.

Skipping breakfast

Some now have a brunch. It means that breakfast and lunch together is called brunch. To say that, you can imagine how much we have neglected breakfast so that words like this can be formed in the society, can’t you? Many people skip breakfast. It is a very bad habit. Today we all lead very busy lives. But there is something we need to understand. Do we work to live? To work is to live. If you can find the right answer to these two questions, you will never skip breakfast again. We get so busy that we miss breakfast. But even the World Health Organization has mentioned that this is a very bad habit. The time from the previous night’s dinner to the next day’s breakfast is very long. Sometimes it can be as long as 10 to 12 hours. Lack of food during this long period does not provide the body with the necessary electrolytes and nutrients to replenish itself. As a result, the oxygen supply required for the proper functioning of the brain is limited. So the later you eat your breakfast, the later the oxygen supply to the brain decreases. If you do this for a long time, your brain will be damaged without you knowing. This is like the engine of a vehicle that has been used for a while with less engine oil and we don’t know it. Now you understand the dangers of skipping breakfast. Never miss breakfast after today. If you miss that, give up your passion for the most important organ of your life, the brain.

Not getting enough sleep

Not sleeping at night, or not getting enough sleep, is a very bad habit that damages the brain. Nowadays, with the advancement of technology, especially in countries like ours, because night time data is cheap and most of the data is received at night, many people are used to staying on digital screens or computers, tabs, phones until after midnight. Many times even husband and wife come to sleep and instead of talking about the things that happened that day or what they have to do tomorrow, they do things like surfing social networks or playing computer games with technical devices like dumb. Not getting enough sleep can damage your brain. In general, 7 to 8 hours of sleep is needed to recover the cells and tissues of the body. And most of the time, after continuous work, brain function needs a good rest. If not, the brain will gradually get damaged and become weak.

Excessive sugar consumption

Sugar is as bad a drug as heroin. It is said this way because if you are addicted to sugar, it is very difficult to give it up and it is very harmful to the body. Many foods such as biscuits, drinks, snacks and cakes in the market today contain a large percentage of sugar. In this way, when too much sugar enters our body, the body’s ability to absorb nutrients from food decreases. In this way, eating too much sugar for a long time can lead to malnutrition, obesity, diabetes, and brain dysfunction. So, the best and easiest way to avoid such things is to reduce sugar consumption as much as possible.


At the beginning of this article, it was mentioned that if you don’t eat in the morning, what can happen to you. But having said that, it is not appropriate to overeat when you eat. Because eating too much can damage brain cells. This can cause things like memory loss. A recent survey conducted by the Harvard University Health Department found that the average adult male needs 2,500 calories a day to stay healthy. Also, about 2000 calories per day is enough for an adult woman to stay healthy. So, if you eat in such a way that you consume too many calories beyond this caloric requirement, you will have to face diseases such as brain damage and memory impairment later on.


We know from childhood that smoking is a very bad habit. Smoking causes great damage to our lungs as well as our brain. This happens because of the cigarette smoke in the lungs which provides the oxygen needed for brain function. Also, it is because of oxygen components that contain toxins that travel to the brain. When smoking in this way for a long time, the brain tissue shrinks and diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia can occur. Therefore, if you can stop smoking today, you will be able to avoid not only lung cancer, but also brain damage.

Sleeping with the head covered

Some people sleep with their heads covered. This part of the article is very important because there is a very real reason that you must emphasize. If you sleep with the blanket covering your head, stop it today. Because, it causes a lot of disturbance in your breathing process. This happens because the nose and mouth are blocked due to covering the face. When that happens, one thing is that the oxygen supply necessary for the functioning of all the organs including the human brain is interrupted. Because the nose is covered, the process slows down. This is not the worst thing here. The carbon dioxide that is released after breathing does not go out when we cover our head and sleep. Because of this, we try to absorb the dioxide gas again along with the oxygen. Health experts have emphasized that this process affects the brain very badly.

Working while sick

In today’s competitive society we live in, with the high cost lifestyle, we can’t stay idle even if we are sick or sick. However, it has now been found that working while sick causes great damage to the brain. Being really sick is a hint from your body that it needs rest. The reason for that is that at this time, the white blood cell army of your body is conducting a massive war to destroy the viruses and bacteria that caused the disease under the direction of the general called the brain. The best thing you can do to support it is to rest your body. However, if you continue to work as before even when you are sick, it will cause excessive brain fatigue. Therefore, it causes the brain to wear out quickly.

Decreased brain exercise

We exercise to keep our body muscles healthy and strong. As such, exercise is essential to keep our brain healthy and functioning well. In fact, the exercises that the brain also performs means that we train the brain cells to think, to think a little differently, to think beyond that. Such activities stimulate brain cells. Thinking the same thing every day, doing the same thing, the brain is not being used properly. Brain tissue weakens. How to exercise the brain now? Don’t be afraid. We will say that too. You don’t need to do big things for it. You can easily do things like learn a new good game, learn to play a musical instrument, learn a new language, learn to cook new dishes, solve difficult maths by mind, draw pictures by memory. Then it will automatically take you to a new dimension. If you can focus on things like quiz games while you are on the digital screen, on the phone, on the tab, or on the computer from morning to night, that will also give you a good exercise.

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